About the Creators: Kix and InkWolf

Hi, there! If your a newcomer, and you have no idea who WE are, this is definetely your page! I'm Kix, the Manager or Commander-in-Chief of Untitled Story!! And, as for my lovely imaginary Assistant, InkWolf, he is just a certain part of my imagination that I use espeically for writing. So basically, the 2 of us, Me and my Imagination, take full responsibility for this website, Untitled Story.

Me? I'm just a regular Pre-teen girl moving on to HighSchool in a few months! My Freshman year is on its way! Of course, my actual name isn't Kix. Just an alternate for my real name, which I refuse to reveal.

Other than the information above, I'm just a crazy, caring, Imaginative human being. And from the contents of this website, you should be able to pick up a LOT more traits about me. Unless you already no me.


Kix and InkWolf

Any Questions?

Great Job!

Lili of Diamonds | 05/19/2011

Hey, Kix and InkWolf
Don't know ya personally, but I can say, you seem like the type who'd be my best friend! I'm a writer, like you, and pouring words onto paper is my passion!

I have many names (I mean, TONS), but no imaginary friend. InkWolf is most definitely a great creation!

This site you have here is amazing! But if you ever feel the need to have a unique one made just for you, email me! When I have a bad case of writer's block, I create websites. Just a hobby, of course, but (not to toot my own horn) I'm pretty good at it. (TOOT!)

I can positively say I'm going to submit my short stories to you for sure. Can't wait to get started!

BTW, I'm going into 11th grade next year, and I know freshman year's going to be tough. But hang in there! You've got a loyal follower now!

Have fun, Kix, InkWolf, keep the stories flowing!

Sharp pens and bright minds, friends,
Lili of Diamonds.

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